Front garden transformation!

Anyone walking past the front of the school will have noticed the wonderful transformation that the front garden has undergone – from overgrown shrubbery to an elegant green space! And there is more to come…paths, logs and bird houses are all part of the grand plan!

This is all thanks to Susan Chalmers who headed up this huge job. She and a dedicated group of parents have spent many days digging up weeds, preparing the ground and putting in new plantings. A huge Thank You to Susan and everyone who helped out (you know who you are!) in so many ways: digging, pruning, planting, hauling, transporting, watering, as well as lending tools and donating plants, stones and other garden materials.

Everyone benefits from this beautiful area so it is very exciting to see the horticultural changes that are taking place within it! If it weren’t for them, the front garden would have been paved over by the school board, so the Ross Road community is so grateful to these green thumbs (and strong arms!) for all of their hard work!

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