
Ross Road events, initiatives and programs all require volunteers in order to run smoothly, and there are many ways to get involved in the school by volunteering your time.

Volunteering is a great opportunity to meet other parents, to get to know school staff, and to enhance our school community! While all of the positions require communication with the PAC Executive, not all of them require you to attend regular meetings!

We are currently looking for volunteers 

Movie Night

Event details are here: https://rossroadpac.ca/events/#movie-night

Volunteering sign up is here: https://www.freshschools.com/app/events/ecole-ross-road-school-pac-movie-night

Ross Cross

The Ross Cross Service helps keep kids safe by managing congestion in the drop-off zone during the morning rush. This vital program needs your help to keep going.  We need more parent volunteers to step forward and help with the crossing guard duties in the morning by helping out 8:20am to 8:50am, one morning per week or as an occasional helper.

Please contact David O’Neill at ross.crosswalk@gmail.com to volunteer.

As always, please contact us at rossroadpac@gmail.com with any other questions, or if you’d like to get involved with volunteering at Ross Road in any other way!